The heart of our Bible study is the desire to build and grow life changing intimacy with God through His Word as we learn about Him, what He has done, how He works and how He wants us to live. Aided by workbooks from Precept Ministries, we use an inductive style of study which is based on precise
observation (seeing exactly what the passage says), accurate interpretation (what does it mean in the right context) and correct application (how to live by what’s been learnt). This very thorough and
rewarding way of learning lets God’s Word speak, being held up as inerrant, all authoritative
and all sufficient. We prayerfully rely on the Holy Spirit to illuminate and lead to all truth that convicts for Christlike, sanctifying change.
Our study is held fortnightly on a Thursday morning with an in-person 10am option at 7 Fiveways Boulevard, as well as a Zoom repeat option the following Thursday at 1.30pm.
Our practice since 2018 has been to work through an entire book of the Bible, alternating between the Old Testament and the New Testament, having studied Ruth, Philippians, and Genesis. Our current study which started at the beginning of the year is on the Epistle of James on “A Faith that is Real.”
contact Lesley Griffin via the Church Office.